49. Slabbish Buildings
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Staying with the whole “house” theme – figured to do something in contrast with the A-Frame rooflines – these are black and white – with a straight-on view.
Eskedal Expressions
This series is about lucidity – but the kind that is “grounded” in Earthly things. The balloons may be floating, but they are tethered to a thick metal rusting pipe of a fence-post. This represents leaving the ground but not entirely. These types of concepts are my favorite representations of art. Limitless are the meanings…
This series is about liquid water in different states and textures. The bw photo of the big rolling waves was taken from a beach in Wildwood, New Jersey (near Cape May) during an excellent thunderstorm. The rest are more abstract – as water continuously distorts our perceptions – from the depths of the ocean to…